Thursday 4 December 2014

Status Bubbles

It should display their first name only so people can't try and search for you in something
It should display their age so people know how old you are
It should display their mood so people know what not to say
It should display their medical information so people know of any medical problems
I think that this would make you more aware of what to say to them.
I would not like the status bubble because it would be very annoying.

Sunday 30 November 2014

Clever names

 Learning room

Writing task

When the administrators of the Steere House Nursing and Rehabilitation Center inProvidence, Rhode Island, adopted six 'therapy' cats from an animal shelter, they had no idea that among them was one that possessed an uncanny sixth sense to predict the impending death of terminally ill patients.
Oscar the tabby cat's story begins in 2005, when the newly born kitten was placed on third floor of the nursing center, home to patients that are in the last stages of illnesses like Alzheimer'sParkinson's and cancer. The kitten spent the first year lazing around and watching the bustling activity around him. Then, just before his first birthday, Oscar began visiting each of the 41-patients on the floor regularly, just like the doctors and nurses did.

Initially, the hospital staff did not pay much attention to the feline's behavior. However, after some of the people that Oscar was snuggled next to passed away, they began to notice a pattern - the cat only went close to those that were a few hours away from dying. Otherwise, he would curl up on a desk and spend the day sleeping.

To test if it was just a coincidence, the staff tried to place Oscar next to a patient they believed was close to dying. But the paranormal cat refused to stay put and decided to snuggle next to someone else. Turns out he was right because 'his' patient died that same evening, while the one whose death the nurses had thought was imminent, lived on for another two days.
Among the biggest believers in Oscar's paranormal powers is Dr. David Dosa, ageriatrician and Assistant Professor at Brown University. He is so convinced of Oscar's unusual 'gift' that he not only published a paper about him in the New England Journal of Medicine, but also wrote a book. Entitled "Making rounds with Oscar: The extraordinary gift of an ordinary cat’, the 2010 publication outlines the various pieces of evidence he has been able to gather about the cat's predicting powers. Also convinced is the hospital staff who has been using Oscar's foretelling abilities to inform family members so they can bid farewell to their loved ones before it's too late.
Of course, not everyone believes that Oscar has a sixth sense. Some feline experts think that his perfect timing may have to do with a certain smell that the cat has come to associate with death. Others speculate it may have to do with the lack of movement in people that are about to die.

Then there are the skeptics who maintain that Oscar's record is not as perfect as it has been made out to be. They think that the hospital staff and Dr. Dosa have simply 'cherry-picked' the occasions when Oscar has been accurate and ignored the ones when he has not. Fortunately, none of this negative chatter has affected nine-year-old Oscar who continues to provide comfort to sick people in their final hours!

Sunday 23 November 2014

Movie challenge refection

What your group did well?
What would YOU do differently next time?
Based on the criteria, how would you improve your movie if we gave you time.
Able to work collaboratively as a team to produce a movie
Quality of message -
Life Ed theme. Shows understanding or learning from Life Ed programme
Able to use film making conventions
Camera angles, dramatic intention
Sound quality
Ability to ensure all dialogue is heard

What my group did well is that we worked together as a team and got the movie in on time.
What I would to differently next time is I would improve the audio on the recording and take advantage of what we could use and the places we could go to record.
If we had more time I would ensure all dialogue is heard,improve the camera angles and improve the sound quality.

Thursday 13 November 2014

How to create a felt rock

I think I have completed the WALT and SC because Derryn checked it.

Sunday 9 November 2014

Waimarino blog post

There I was hung up with all the other paddles,in the morning we all watch on as large groups of kids swarm the area like bees at a bee hive and then run off around the corner.
Soon they walked into the big brick building behind me.
They all then swarmed by the low diving board they started to take turns at diving in I can hear they shivering voices say that its warm but really its not.
As they hours are passing by i'm still waiting to get into the water.
I watch the kids use kayaks to go down slides into the water but why not me?.
I watch them dive into the water some also doing back flips
It starts to get very wet and cold but they still carry on swimming in the ice cold lake.
Soon everyone has gone but 30 minuets later everyone comes back and lines up a blonde headed boy grabes me and puts me down into a kayak.
He then drages the kayak into the lake.
For about 40 minuets we stayed out there in the lake this was the best day ever.

Monday 3 November 2014

Life ED




R.E.A.C.H   W.I.T.S

R give a reason
E give an excuse
A assertive
C change the subject
H humor

W walk away
I ignore
T tell someone/toughen up
S say no


M memory
R reason

J judgement
M movement

I intellect
C concentration
E emotions

Addiction is when you need the drug to fell normal

Tuesday 21 October 2014

Life education methamphetamine

Crystal meth is a short for crystal methamphetamine. This is only one form of methamphetamine.
Methamphetamine is a white crystalline that people take by snorting it (inhaling threw nose),smoking or injecting it with a needle.
When someone uses it they can get addicted and continue it.
The drug creates a false sense of happiness and well being and a strong felling of conference hyperactive and energy.

This is what has happend to a man two and a half years of using crystal methamphetamine.

A man by the name of Antonie Dixon was on methamphetamine and chopped of the hands of two women shot a man dead with a sub machine gun and kidnapped another man.
Dixon acquired over 150 conviction mostly of theft and burglary. 

Thursday 25 September 2014

Pic Book

Book titled 'Cranky Craig and Friends'Read this free book made on StoryJumper

Saturday 20 September 2014


This week for my homework I made dinner for my family and guests.

For my entree I made mini pikelets with cream cheese,salmon and coriander.

First I lay out the pikelets onto a big plate and used a butter knife to spread out the cream cheese.
I cut the salmon into little pieces and put the on the cream cheese.
I then put a few leaves of coriander onto each pikelet and put them on the table to serve.

For my main I made butterfly lamb leg with roast vegetables and steamed broccoli.

First I cut the vegetables into a bowl filled with water.
I cut the broccoli and put it in a pot to cook.
After a few minuets I put the vegetables onto a dish and put it in the oven to cook.
When it was done I put them into a dish and put the lamb in the oven.
When that finished I put it all on the table to serve.

For my dessert I made caramel apple crumble with vanilla bean kapiti ice cream.

I got out the apples and peeled them and cut them into a bowl.
I put the apples into a pot with some water to make them soft.
In a bowl I put fresh oats,flower and butter and mixed it with my hands.
In the pot I put 3 table spoons of caramel and mixed it well.
When the apples were done I put them into a dish and laid it out evenly.
I put the oats mix on the top of the apples and put it in the oven to cook.

Tuesday 9 September 2014

Car crash survivor gets new talent

Man get new talent

P:I think this article will be about a man who survives a car crash and after the crash he has changed.
C:I had nothing to clarify.
Q;Why did he wake up like this?
S:A 22 year old Australian man was in a car crash and was in a coma for a week.
When he woke up instead of speaking english he spoke fluent mandarin.

Monday 8 September 2014

Rimu homework

I decided on a menu to make for my Dad for fathers day.

I had for the entree garlic bread witch I made using a tortilla with fresh garlic,butter and rock salt.
I baked this in the oven.
I had to look at the recipe for the main course and see the ingredients that I needed.
We didn't have them all at home so I made a shopping list and went to the supermarket and get the stuff I didn't have.

For my main I made Bacon wrapped chicken with italian sauce.
This is the recipe I followed.

1.Preheat oven to 180 degres cesius.

2.Use a small bowl and combine breadcrumbs and pesto.

3.Put 3 pieces of chicken breast in-between 2 sheets of baking paper.

4.I used a rolling pin and flatten out the chicken.

5.Pull out the baking paper and put some pesto mix onto the chicken and flatten.

6.Roll the chicken into a tube while keeping as much pesto mix inside the chicken as possible.

7.I used 2 pieces of streaky bacon and tied it around the rolled up chicken.

8.I put the chicken onto a dish and added chopped tinned tomatos and fresh mixed  herbs.

9.I placed the chicken into the oven for 40 minutes.

10.I put 6 pieces of broccoli and some green beans into a bowl with some water. I chopped the ends off the beans before adding to the bowl.

11.I put glad wrap over the bowl and put into the microwave for 5 minutes.

12.I put half a cup of couscous into a bowl and half a cup of boiled water into the same bowl.

13.I put glad wrap over the bowl and left it to cook in the boiled water.

14.After 40 minutes I took the chicken dish out of the oven and put in on a chopping board.

15.After the couscous has finished I laid it out on a plate evenly.

16.I put 2 pieces of broccoli on each plate and some beans.

17.I cut the chicken into three pieces and put it onto the couscous.

18.I used the tomatos from the chicken dish and spooned them on the chicken I had cut and served this up.

For dessert we had some chocolate brownie and homemade plain yoghurt.

And this is my finished main meal.

Sunday 7 September 2014

Candy that doesn't cause cavities.

1.What cause cavities
Cavities are caused by some stuff in lollies.

2.What was the genius idea the scientists at Oraganoblalance can up with to try combat cavities.
They used Lactobacillus paracase.

3.What was the experiments they conducted to test there thesis? Was it successful?
They tested this on rats.
It was successful because they had less bacteria the they did.

Critical thinking chalenge.
Because it will make you feel sick.

Monday 1 September 2014

Rimu homework

Compete in a sport for a entier season

2014 Basketball TIS Grizzlies

Lost against TIS Celtics 25-27

Lost against Mauao 25-45

Won against Mount Heat 20-24

Won against Aquainas Boys Blue 24-22

Won against Waldorf All Stars 37-24

Lost against Papamoa Boys A 17-27

Lost against TIS Bulls 24-28

Pool Play

Lost against Mauao 14-31

Lost against TIS Celtics 25-36

Won against Mount Heat 28-27

Lost against waldof stainer 54-30

We came 6th over all this year

Rimu homework

Research Rimu

1.Where do you find it?
You can find a rimu tree all the way from Northland to Stewart Island.

2.Why is it important to maori?
Maori found a variety of uses for the wood to make spears,canoes and torches.

3.What uses dose it have?
Rimu can have many uses such as making furniture and maori also use it to make tools.

4.Why is rimu the best tree in the school?
Rimu is the best tree in the school because it can grow very tall and tower over other trees.

Sunday 31 August 2014

Dogo news

1. Every animal turns one so why is Bao Bao's birthday so special.
Because only one other giant panda has been born in the zoo.

2. How did the zookeepers celibate it?
They made Bao Bao a special cake and gave all his visitors some cake.

3.What are some of the this Bao Bao has lernt during the first year?What are some of the things instore before she turns two.
The zookeepers might put another panda in the zoo or she might get moved into another zoo.

Friday 29 August 2014

Recycling rimu homework

I can see how much recycling we use over a week and slowly reduce the amount of recycling we have.

1.What can we recycle?

2.What can we change or do differently to reduce the recycling.
We can reuse glass bottles and use them to store water.
We can reuse plastic containers to keep food in.
Take our own bags to supermarkets.
Buy fresh fruit and vegetables and less processed and packaged food.

3.What do we do with our recycling?
We sort them into bins and each week we take it down to the recycling plant and dump it all there into the appropriate bins.

By following these steps and ideas the bins took longer to full so we didn't have to go to the recycling plant as much

Wednesday 23 July 2014

Naughty Pets

Why did Direct blinds ask people to post pictures on there face book page.
For a contest to see which dog did the naughty's deeds.

What title did yodi win? why did he deserve it?
Yodi won British naughty's dog.
Because he was aggressive and destroyed all the pillows.

What are the 2nd and 3rd place winners known to do frequently.
One of them are known to rip up magazines and newspapers the other one opened the frige and licked milk of the bottles

Tuesday 22 July 2014

Te Reo activity

Tane mahuta

Hot dog eating contest

Who was responsable for making Nathan's hot dogs contest famous?How many hot dogs did he eat?

The ESPN channel made him famous and he ate 61 hot dog in the time given.

How many years has Joey Chestnut won the contest prior to this one?What sugnifitent event occurred before this one?

Joey won the contest 7 years prior to this year.
The event before this was the 4th of july.

What happend in the women contest.

The champion was defeated.

Monday 21 July 2014

Bali inquiry

They are called canang sari they are there to worship gods hinduism for religion

This is the bali intonational school (BIS)

You pay 3$ to soak your feet the fish eat your dead skin of your feet.

Saraswati temple kingdom of Ubud is dedicated to honour the Hindu godess sarswati 

Thursday 3 July 2014

PMI Term Reflection

1.I got my stars wrist band
2.I got my science fair in on time
3.My team won some basket ball games in the B grade
4.I tore my patella tendon in my knee but its all better so I could play sport

1.I tore my patella tendon in my knee
2.I was sick the day of the table tennis tournament

1.I thought that electronic tech was interesting
2.Constable Denis came into our school and talked to us about bullying and Kia Kaha

Wednesday 2 July 2014

Did cavemen eat vegetables?

1.How many years ago did the cavemen live in Southern Spain.
The cavemen lived in Southern Spain 50,000 years ago.

2.Were did the cavemen live?
The cavemen lived in a part of Southern Spain?

3.What did all the samples contained?
All the samples contained traces of meat.

4.What did the scientists find when they did detailed test's
The scientists found that the cavemen consumed a fairly regular proportion of plants,such as tubers,berries and nuts.

5.Who said "We believe Neanderthals probably ate what was available in different situations, seasons, and climates"
The person that said this was  Ainara Sistiaga, from the University of La Laguna in Spain

6.What was the micro fossils in?
Neanderthals teeth.

7.Who's cousins were the Neanderthals?
Homo sapians

Sunday 29 June 2014

Worlds Ugliest dog

1 How many years has the Worlds ugliest dog contest been around,How many contestants did it attract?
The worlds ugliest dog contest has been around for 26 years.
In the worlds ugliest dog contest there were 26 contestants.

2How did this years winner Peanut get his 'Ugly' looks?
The two year old shelter dog Peanut has badly burnt in a fire which caused him to lose his lips,most of his body hair and eye lids.

3 What is the organisers main purpose for organising this unusual competition.
This contest was about celebrating wonderful carters.

Thursday 26 June 2014

An ant

There I was trying to cross the felid my tiny little legs moving my body as I scurry under the grass.
Im trying to stay on the ground so I don't get stood on,Then I see hundreds of people lined up one behind each other.
Suddenly BANG! I here a loud sound all the people are now running straight at me the ground shook as some of them fell to the ground.
During that I felt the ground shake beneath my feet i'm getting thrown around like a ball flying threw the air.
As I hit the ground I look up the ground is calming down I see everyone like a big army running with all there might.

Im trying to cross the felid still moving forward but before I get to the other side the ground starts to shake I see the runners coming around again i'm moving as fast as my tiny legs can carry me I leap into the air.
Suddenly I hit the ground just in time now i'm alive.

Tuesday 24 June 2014

Current Events Reading

1.What is so special about Migaloo?
Migaloo is special because he's a very rear white humpback whale,People around the world can find him threw radio transmision.
Migaloo's fans have set up face books and twitter for him.

2.Cite a few facts from the article that tells you how precious Migaloo is to the people of Australia.
Migaloo is white and rear.
Migaloo has been given a name that means "white fella" which is an aboriginal.
Migaloo have been given a special status of a special interest whale,which means that jet ski's and boats have to keep 500 meters away from him and if you are caught you will be fined 12,500 AUD
People have set up facebooks and twitter about him.

3.Why is Migloo known as a hypo-pigmented humpback? is he the only one?
Migaloo has no colour.
No he is not the only hypo-pigmented whale because he is the only one that has been documented.

Wednesday 18 June 2014

Corn Flake Art?

 1 WHat cerial dose Rosado use to crate her portates
Rosado used cornflakes to create her portraits

2:Why dose it take so long to create a master piece.
It takes so long to make her master pecie because Rosado has to sketch the art. Then Rosado begins the painstaking process of crushing the corn flakes to the right size.Then Rosado cearfully puts the cornflakes on the outline.Then finally Rosado get a pin and makes sure they are inline.

3:Name some celebrities that feature in her cornflakes art.
The celebrities are Michele Jackson,Bob Marly,Alicia Keys as well former Bettle John Lennon

Tuesday 17 June 2014

Worlds tallest lego tower

1: Were was the tallest lego structure built? Who built it
The Lego tower was built in Saint Stephen's Basilica in Budapest.
Elementary students in Budapest who requested a team of official lego builders from Denmark

2:What are the two requirements imposed by the Guinness World Records before a lego tower can be eligible for inclusion.
The builders had to have the wires that were holding up the lego structure.
The builders went allowed to glue the lego together.

3:Why dose the author believe that a new tower will be built soon.
The reason the author thinks that someone will build a new tower is because people broke the record two time in 2012.

Critical thinking challenge:What in your opinion makes building the wolds tallest lego structure is so popular.

I think that the reason for this being so popular is because it take a long time to make a tower and lots of people like lego.

Monday 16 June 2014

Vegetarians Crocodials?you better believe it

1:What is unusual about the reptiles that live in Nyanyana crocodile farm.
The crocodiles have softer skin than crocodiles in the wild
The crocodiles sleep more than normal crocodiles
They are not as viscose than crocodiles in the wild
There food is made of 100% vegetables

2:How did they turn this way.
Zimbabwe had a food crises
They could not afford meat
They feed them pellets made of vegetables and meat
They gradually got rid of the meat so now they are made 100% of vegetables

3:What are the crocodiles bread for
The crocodiles are breed for there skin because they can make up to 550$ per skin
There skin is sold to European cowponies which they make leather out of there skin
There skin is made into handbags and leather jackets

Sunday 15 June 2014

Current Events Reading

 1 Malavath climbed to the top,the reason the author thought is that was admirable is because it might encourage more people to climb up mount Everest.
2 when she got to advanced base camp she got sick and had to go back to base camp
3 it took 52 days to conquer mount Everest

Sunday 4 May 2014

Battle of gate pa

Jerry Mateparae is the governor general of new zealand.
Willie Apiata is aformer corporal in the New Zealand special air service.

Tuesday 11 March 2014



In art tech on tuesday we started doing print making were we all got a small pice of polystyrene and draw with a pencil the objects we see in front of us.After that we went to another table were we had a small paint roller and cover it in ink then we rolled the ink onto our drawing and roll it onto our page.


In art tech on wednesday we had to draw something in our book to do with the battle of gate pa,then we got a small plank of wood and we had to copy our drawing onto the wood.Once we finished that we got a vivid and went over the pencil with it after we got carving tools and carved out some were in the wood.We took our wood over to the ink table and went over it with yellow ink then got a big pice of paper and stuck the wood face down onto the page we had to that three times then hang it on a line with a peg to dry for tomorrow.


On thursday we got given a small pice of black paper to put on our two other cut outs to glue onto.Then we went and put green ink on one of them and red ink on the other one.
We had to carve out more of the wood block and herd the story of Nigel Brown and how he made a very big painting of Tauranga and all the things he did when he was younger.


On friday we got given our 4th cut out and rolled blue ink onto it then we glued it onto a big black pice of paper and used our wood cut to put white prints on the black pice of paper.We put our black pice of paper on a peg on a line and left it to dry.

Wednesday 19 February 2014

Sunday 16 February 2014

Te whare wananga o te maro

In the whare the piece of wood going down the middle in the roof is called the Tahuhu or Backbone and the wood going from the roof to the top of the wall is called the Heke or Ribs.
On the carving outside in the middle are the 3 iwi and the coloured rope going up is each colour of each house in the school.

Thursday 13 February 2014

Valentines Day

St Valentines was a Roman priest who was secretly organising weddings for soldiers. He was jailed then sentenced to death by the King on February 14th AD 270. We exchange cards, candy, gifts or flowers, with our special valentines. A special valentine is someone that you love.

American spend up to 3.6 billion dollars on Valentines gift each year. 50 million roses are sold each year on Valentines Day. 73% of people who buy flowers for Valentines day are men and 27% are women.15% of the US women send themselves flowers on Valentines day. Eros is the greek god of love and his roman form is Cupid.