Monday 16 June 2014

Vegetarians Crocodials?you better believe it

1:What is unusual about the reptiles that live in Nyanyana crocodile farm.
The crocodiles have softer skin than crocodiles in the wild
The crocodiles sleep more than normal crocodiles
They are not as viscose than crocodiles in the wild
There food is made of 100% vegetables

2:How did they turn this way.
Zimbabwe had a food crises
They could not afford meat
They feed them pellets made of vegetables and meat
They gradually got rid of the meat so now they are made 100% of vegetables

3:What are the crocodiles bread for
The crocodiles are breed for there skin because they can make up to 550$ per skin
There skin is sold to European cowponies which they make leather out of there skin
There skin is made into handbags and leather jackets

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