Wednesday 2 July 2014

Did cavemen eat vegetables?

1.How many years ago did the cavemen live in Southern Spain.
The cavemen lived in Southern Spain 50,000 years ago.

2.Were did the cavemen live?
The cavemen lived in a part of Southern Spain?

3.What did all the samples contained?
All the samples contained traces of meat.

4.What did the scientists find when they did detailed test's
The scientists found that the cavemen consumed a fairly regular proportion of plants,such as tubers,berries and nuts.

5.Who said "We believe Neanderthals probably ate what was available in different situations, seasons, and climates"
The person that said this was  Ainara Sistiaga, from the University of La Laguna in Spain

6.What was the micro fossils in?
Neanderthals teeth.

7.Who's cousins were the Neanderthals?
Homo sapians

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